2021 Youth Ambassadors Application



The Youth Ambassadors Program brings together emerging leaders in the United Church of Christ who are in their freshman, sophomore or junior year of high school to gain a deeper understanding of their faith, study alongside justice leaders, collaborate on one large yearly project that aligns with the mission and goals of the UCC and, regularly give voice to the wider church through appropriate news and social media challenges, and when possible gather at a denomination wide event for in person community building.

By the end of the Youth Ambassadors Program each youth will have deepened their commitment to justice and increased personal leadership skills to make a difference in their congregations and communities.



The Youth Ambassadors Program will be led by the Minister for Youth and Young Adult Engagement and a team of individuals selected by the Associate General Minister for Justice & Local Church Ministries with input from the Minister for Youth and Young Adult Engagement.


Term Length

The application cycle for YAP will be open each year from September 1 through October 31st. This will allow the selection team to meet in early Fall so that terms begin January 1st of each year. Youth accepted into the Youth Ambassadors Program will serve a two-year term which will end December 31st of the given year. Each cycle will admit up to 12-15 individuals, which means by the second year of the program the program capacity will reach 30 youth (max).



We strive for justice in all that we do within the United Church of Christ and this extends to the creation of programs. In the selection of youth members we will be intentional in striving for diversity in race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity and expression, people with disabilities and geographical representation across the UCC.


Process to Apply

We will use an application developed with SmarterSelect that youth must complete and obtain a parent/guardian’s signature. Additionally, one letter of reference from a leader in the youth’s congregation must be received by the application deadline.


The Program

Youth ambassadors will meet once a month using a video conference platform, unless agreed upon by the group that they should forego a meeting that particular month. During monthly meetings the group will creatively build relationships and trust with one another, hear from a UCC faith and justice leader, work to establish long term goals and how to resource other youth/youth groups in the denomination.

Once each quarter the normal monthly meeting will be replaced by a more intensive day of Justice Training.

When permitted, one in person gathering will be held in conjunction with a major denominational event (i.e. General Synod, National Youth Event, Ecumenical Advocacy Days, Regional Youth Event) where Youth Ambassadors are expected to participate fully.

This program may be an acceptable replacement for the traditional model of confirmation in certain conferences and churches.


Youth Ambassadors Program Eligibility:
In order to apply for the YAP program, applicants must:

1. Be a member (regularly attend, give leadership to, participate in) of a United Church of Christ congregation

2. Be enrolled in a high school as either a freshman, sophomore or junior in the Fall of 2021

3. Fully embrace the spectrum of life (race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability) and the beliefs of the United Church of Christ

If accepted into the Youth Ambassadors Program, participants will be expected to submit and/or obtain the following: 

• Submit a signed Parental Agreement and Media Release
• Participate in 80% of all scheduled video/conference calls
• Identify and meet with a mentor from their local church (unless other plans are discussed and approved) once a month



